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Our Mission Statement

We at Barrowview Medical Practice are responsible for the provision of comprehensive continuing care to our patients irrespective of age, sex or illness.

We undertake to provide the highest standard of care in a courteous, compassionate and confidential manner.

We care for our patients in the context of their family, community and culture.

We provide a service that puts your health at the heart of our practice.

Our aim is to engage, educate and empower you to achieve the very best health outcomes for you and your family.

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Meet the Team

We are dedicated to listening to you, discussing your physical and mental concerns in an honest and open fashion. We will provide you with up to date, evidence-based medical advice to make informed choices when it comes to managing your health.


For many years our practice has been involved in the education of medical students and students may visit the practice to observe consultations as part of their curriculum.  We always advise patients in advance if a student is present and will only invite a student to observe your consultation with your full permission.


Barrowview Medical was appointed as a training practice for the Midlands GP training scheme in July 2021 with Dr. Lonergan as the nominated GP trainer for the practice. Each year a doctor who is completing specialist GP training joins the practice for a 1 year post to gain experience in provision of high quality GP care. All GP registrars are fully qualified doctors with at least 3 years post graduate hospital experience. Many registrars will have considerably more experience and bring their expertise to the team.

Meet Our Doctors

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Dr Brefni Reynolds



Dr Kevin Kidney

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Dr Marie Therese Lonergan

Dr. Louise Jackman

Dr. Nadine Maloudi

Meet Our Clinical Team


Physician Associate

Faith Dagogo Hart


Practice Nurse

Deirdre Walsh

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Practice Nurse

Penelope Callan

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Practice Nurse

Maria Flynn

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Practice Nurse

Patricia Buggy


Practice Nurse

Marie Boland

Meet Our Management & Admin Team


Practice Manager

Susan Braithwaite


Our Reception and Administration Team consists of Patricia Dempsey, Arlene Coyle, Gillian Rowan, Sharon Moran, Olivia Farrell and Martha George.

Reception & Administration Team

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